أ.د.عادل حمد رافع

المهام Role

عميد كلية الهندسة من 2012 الي 2017م

نبذة عن المسار الأكاديمي Career Overview

متى انضم للجامعة 1995م

معيد 1995م

عضو هيىة تدريس من 2003م الي الان

المجالات البحثية Research Areas

هندسة قوى كهربائية

الات كهربائية


طاقات متجدده

أهم المجلات العلمية التي قام بنشر بحوث بها

أعلى تصنيف للنشر العلمي وصل إليه مجلة الهندسه الكهربائية طرابلس ورومانيا وإيطاليا وامريكا

أهم المؤتمرات التي شارك بها كباحث أو متحدث رئيسي المجلة الليبية للعلوم الهندسية والتكنولوجيا

مجالات أو تخصصات الرسائل العلمية التي أشرف عليها IEEE

الأنشطة العملية/ المهنية External Activities

الاستشارات الخارجية

العضوية في الجمعيات العلمية والاجتماعية

التحكيم أو التقييم لمؤتمرات أو مجلات علمية

التدريب أو مشاريع بحثية خارج نطاق الجامعة

المنشورات Publications

Adel Rafa , S. Mahmod , N. Maruin , W. Z. Wan Hassan, and N. F. Mailah, “Protection of Power Transformer Using Micro controller – Based Relay”, proceeding of SCORD 2002 (IEEE),Student Conference on Research and Development, Shah Alam , Malaysia, July 16-17, 2002

Rafa, S. M. Bashi, N. Mariun, WZ. Wan Hassan,” Protection of Power Transformer UsingMicrocontroller Based Relay.” , Proceeding of 17th International Conference PSC2002(IEEE),, Tehran ,Iran, 28-30 October. 2002

M. Bashi, N. A. Rafa and Mariun, , 2007, Power Transformer Protection Using Microcontroller- Based Rellay, Journal of Applied Science, v7(12): pp 1602-1607

Adel H Rafa O Anaya-Lara, J R McDonald, “Stability Assessment of Micro generation Systems”, paper presented at the RVP07 IEEE Conference, 8-14 July 2007, México

Tumilty, Adel. H Rafa, A. Emhemed, O. Anaya-Lara, G.M. Burt, DTI/UGEN/TR/2007-001 “Micro generation Transient Stability Investigation Report”. July 2007

Adel H Rafa, O Anaya-Lara, J R McDonald,” Stability Assessment of Induction Generator-Based Micro generation”, paper presented at PEMD 2008, 2 April 2008, York, UK

Adel H Rafa, O Anaya-Lara, J R McDonald, ” Flexible Control of Converter-Interfaced Micro generation”, paper presented at 2008 PES General Meeting, 20 – 24 July 2008,Pittsburgh, PA USA

Adel H Rafa, O Anaya-Lara, J R McDonald, “Power Factor Control for Inverter-Interfaced Micro generation”, paper presented at UPEC 2008 43rd International Conference, 1-4 September, 2008. University of Padova, Italy

Adel Rafa , Abdelnasser Nafeh , Direct Torque and Flux Control of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering Dec. 2012, Vol. 2 Iss. 6, PP.40-48 – 40 –

Adel Rafa , Photovoltaic (PV) contribution to the primary frequency control ,Center for Solar Energy Research and Studies, Libya

( مجلة الطاقة الشمسية مركزابحاث ودراسات الطاقه الشمسيه طرابلس –ليبيا) 2012م

Abdelnasser Nafeh and Adel H Rafa ” DC Current Controller for Inverter Interfaced Microgeneration”, Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering (JECE). JECE Acceptance Notification (Paper ID: JECE10077) Dec. 2012, Vol. 2 Iss. 6, PP.40-48

Adel H Rafa, ” Voltage Regulation of Small-Scale Distributed Generation through Voltage-Phase Angle Droop”, Journal of Engineering Research Faculty of Engineering – University of Tripoli 7-2012

(مجلة البحوث الهندسيه جامعة طرابلس –ليبيا

Abdelnasser Nafeh and Adel H Rafa,” Contribution of small-scale wind generation to primary frequency control”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling Electronic Networks, Devices and fields (JNM-12-0029,).,Int. J. Numer. Model. (2012),Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/jnm.1874

Adel Rafa , Abdelnasser Nafeh, Torque and Flux Ripple Minimization of Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulator, Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEE) 2012

Adel Hamad Rafa, Centralized Controller for Microgrid World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology ,International Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol:7 No:9, 2013

Adel H Rafa, “ Digital Differential Relay for Electrical Power Transformer”, Journal of Engineering Research Faculty of Engineering – University of Tripoli, Issue (23) March 2017

Adel Rafa ,Transient Stability of Synchronous Generator Connected to Micro Combined Heat and Power , THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IJEIT), VOL.4, NO.2,JUNE 2018 PP. 99-105 , PAPER CODE: EN061

Adel Rafa , Effect of application of Photovoltaic Systems at Al Jaghbub Oasis on the Local Load Demand and Voltage Rise in Medium Transmission Line, Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, University of Sebha VOL.17,2018

Adel Rafa , Fault Ride-Through of Systems with High Penetration of Small-Scale Embedded Generation, The Libyan International Conference on Electrical Engineering and technology LICEET 2018,3-7 March 2018, Tripoli,Libya

Adel Rafa , Control Technique for Converter-Connected Photovoltaic, ICEEIT 2020, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 30-31 march 2020 Benghazi Libya

Adel Hamad Rafa, Wind turbine Connected to Tobruk Steam Power Station, Libyan Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (LJEST) 2,No 2  2022

22 Adel Hamad Rafa, CONTROL TECHNIQUE FOR CONVERTER-CONNECTED SMALL SCALE EMBEDDED GENERATION, Journal of Electrical Engineering: Volume 18 / 2018 – Edition : 2

Adel Hamad Rafa and Hala Agoub, Diesel Generators at the Customers Side as a Microgrid Connected to the Network ,ICEMIS’21: The 7th International Conference on Engineering & MIS 2021October 2021 Article No.: 16Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/3492547.3492587

S. Naser, M. Alsharif, Adel Hamad Rafa, A. Ahmed, Impact of Wind Farm Location on Voltage Stability, Journal of pure & Applied sciences (JOPAS) Vol. 20 No. 4 (2021)

Adel Rafa, Nouri Daw and Ibrahim Naser, Dynamic Behaviour of induction generator connected to wind turbine, 2022 IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA)

Khalifa, A, Saleh, Adel Hamad Rafa and A. Sassi -Comparison of a Hybrid Power System with a Conventional Diesel System, Libyan Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (LJEST) Vol.2,No 2  2022

27- Al-Refai and Adel Rafa,The optimum location of capacitor to improve the voltage of 220/66 kV Substation Using ETAP Software, 2022 IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA)

Adel Rafa Unified Power Flow Controller in 5-Bus Power System Study and Simulation2023 IEEE 3rd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA)

Adel Rafa ,The Optimum location of Gas Turbine to Improve the Voltage Of Eastern Libyan Network, Libyan Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (LJEST) 1,No 2  2023